That flower menma I don't think I would have disappeared if I had a fast hand job.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:17:06.969ID:hDu279l9p
The anime and the movie version were both great!
I cried a lot.

I didn't want Menma to disappear.
So I stayed up for a week thinking about how Menma could have kept her alive.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:18:13.402ID:hDu279l9p
When a man ejaculates, his mind goes blank.
You can't think about anything, right?
It's the same for women, right?
When you cum, you can't think straight, right?
Menma's the same way.
When she's about to cum, I'll give her a fast hand job and make her cum over and over again.
That way, Menma doesn't have to worry about disappearing, she can just cum all over herself.
Don't mistake her for a transvestite and make her cum all over Yukitsatsu.
He's got a scruffy look on his face, but don't worry, he won't disappear even if you don't make him cum.
It'll just be homo porn.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:18:46.469ID:hDu279l9p
Jintan's mom said...
"Make him cry.
You promised Menma you'd make her cry.
But you know what, it's not Jintan and Menma who cry, it's Menma's pussy... Too bad!
I'm going to make her cry so hard she'll be dehydrated.

I know that's a disgusting thing to say.
But me, Jintan, Anaru, Yukiatsu, and Megane all really don't want Menma to disappear.
That's all I care about.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:19:20.005ID:hDu279l9p
To be honest, I like Anaru the best.
I really want to give her a hand job.
But I don't have any excuse to give her a hand job, so it's impossible.
I mean, I wonder if she's developing her anus?
I mean, he's always talking about it so much, it's hard not to be interested in anal sex.
I wonder if he masturbates anally.
He often goes to McDonald's. I bet he puts fries in his anus.
But I'm sure he'd prefer Jintan's fingers.
If he washes up well, I'd probably give him a hand anal.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:20:00.191ID:hDu279l9p
If you think about it, let's say you hand-fucked him and he didn't disappear.
That would be awkward for everyone.
I'm trying so hard to hand-fuck her.
I'm cumming so hard.
I'm sure Jintan and I would have a fight.

Jintan, when Menma disappears, he's looking for her.
Everyone else followed suit, searching all over the forest.
And when we finally find her, I'm giving her a hardcore handjob.
Menma was cumming so hard

I said "I stopped her".
Jintan: "Oh, thank you."

And they're like, "Oh, thank you," and I'm like, "What the fuck did you do?

Jintan "What the fuck did you do?
I'm like, "Handjob?"
Jintan "Fuck you!"

That's normal, right?
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2022/11/03(木) 17:20:47.968ID:hDu279l9p
You know how Menma wrote a letter to everyone at the end?
Everyone's in tears reading it.
And I'm hand-fucking her.
I'm hand-fucking her.
It's sure to ruin the mood.
Everyone's yelling "thank you" to Menma.
Menma's cumming and saying thank you.
But Menma's not going away.
Everyone's waiting for her to disappear, but she's so excited that she forgets.
And behind her, the music is playing what you gave me, and it's the most exciting time of my life! And I'm hand-fucking her.
I manage to get to the second verse of the song and she's still there.
Handjob after handjob after handjob after handjob.
The song is about to cut out, of course.
Everyone's excitement has cooled, their tears have dried up, and they're watching me hand-manhandle for a long time, and it's getting worse.
But I don't stop.
Because I don't want Menma to disappear
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2022/11/03(木) 17:21:22.732ID:hDu279l9p
And they all say to me.
Let him go to heaven!
This is a bad idea!
I can read the atmosphere, so it was a little hard for me mentally to do it in this atmosphere.
But if I stopped, Menma would disappear, so I asked her anyway
I said, "Can I stop hand job?"
And she shook her head.
And she did.
Menma died without ever knowing the pleasure of it.
How could she ever stop?
I'm addicted, Menma.
I grinned, and next time, I pushed my hips in further and hand-fucked her.
Then Anaru saw me getting horny and asked me to give her a hand job too.
Jintan says, "What? I'm not your first handjob? I was so shocked when Jintan made a face like that.
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2022/11/03(木) 17:21:26.680ID:9otb59SGd
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2022/11/03(木) 17:21:48.131ID:EEzBOD3I0
fast hand jobだけ読んだ
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2022/11/03(木) 17:22:00.201ID:hDu279l9p
When Anaru got horny and asked me to give him a hand job, I knew I was in for a treat.
Glasses looked like she wanted to say it too, but she missed the timing to say it because she was told first.
I was more serious about giving him a handjob than Menma, since he was the real deal.
Then I forgot to give Menma a handjob. What? I forgot to give her a hand job, and she made a face and disappeared.
Out of nowhere, out of nowhere!
Everyone got impatient and thanked me for everything.
Thank you!
And Anaru was cumming and saying "I love you too".
You like hand jobs, don't you?
You don't give a shit about Menma.
But you know what, we're the Chouheiwa Busters.
We're supposed to be super peaceful and get along with each other without disrupting order.
That's why I'm like...
I said, "I see Menma!"
I said to him.
All by myself.
What? You said that? And I said it by myself! They looked at me like that.
I turned around and made the best scowl I could.
I guess everyone finally thought, "Oh no, we've got to do something about this guy.
But, hey, it's the Chouheiwa Busters.
We didn't raise any hell, and the day just went on and on.

From that day on, I started looking forward to buying Nokémon with the hand I had groped when Anaru was the receptionist at Anaru's store, without washing my hands after groping Anaru.

When Jintan is the receptionist, I look forward to fluttering my hand in front of Jintan's face with Menma's handjob.
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