Interviewer: "Do you have a driver's license?" student: "Yes," interviewer: "Automatic?"

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0001以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします2023/02/21(火) 14:20:16.426ID:buyA+c5ed
Job hunting student: "What?"

Interviewer: "Automatic only?"

Job hunting student: "Yes"

Interviewer: "Yes, it's okay, pick it up."

Job hunting student: "Well, you haven't been asked at all yet!"

Interviewer: "Then why are you limited to automatics?"

Job hunting student: "Well, there are almost no MT other than large trucks and buses, so you don't have to ride it, and AT is more cost-effective ..."

Interviewer: "Oh, I'm tired of hearing that excuse! You guys are limited to automatics!
Why can't I honestly say that it was difficult to get an ordinary license? Why are you choosing Easy Mode but only pride?"

Job hunting student "Such a ..."

Interviewer: "Think about it from the perspective of the hiring side! From among you job-hunting students with almost the same experience and skill requirements, I think you will choose between those who have obtained an ordinary license that requires a certain level of skill and knowledge, or those who have taken the automatic limited edition that is easier!
We don't need anyone to choose the easy one! It seems that I didn't think about the cost performance around here when I got my license! Hahahahaha! Go home!!"

Job hunting student "... Excuse me."

Interviewer: "Not at all... Yes, the next one, please-"

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